Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 1: Reflection

This is the time of night where I typically waste time on facebook catching up on every status that I missed throughout the day. Instead, I'm sitting here after a very long and emotionally draining day of work and then a lovely dinner with good people that I like a lot so a great end to this day.

This day was a whirlwind, another day of "hanging on" at work. My friend's right; at some point it gets too tiring to keep "hanging on". I feel like that time is coming quicker than I'm ready for. If I had a way out right now, I think it wouldn't be much of a decision. It has left me wondering what is really holding me back. The easy answer is money. It isn't easy making it all work on one income with no support from anyone else. It all falls on my shoulders.

The biggest expense is of course my house. I LOVE my house and feel like it was a blessing, but I also know that if I were renting I would have more wiggle room as far as what kind of income I would require.

It's definitely something to at least consider.


  1. Sooo only one reflection?? How about giving your followers some more reflections here! :P

  2. Umm...please identify yourself DB and I'll be happy to provide another reflection. :)

  3. Devon??? David??? Daniel??? See why "DB" is so mysterious? ;)

  4. hehe oh the mystery...gotta love them huh? Lets just leave it as stalker ;)

    ps: your closest friend will be able to unveili this mystery :)


  5. Daniela!!! :) what do I win? an ice cream, perhaps?

  6. LoL! depends did you work solo or did ya get help? If you worked solo then i owe you some ice cream, now if you got help then... i owe you a frap ;) hehe
