Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Hello from Mamelodi! Words are not coming quickly because the experience has been somewhat of a rollercoaster of emotions. God is good and I am blessed. I wanted to let you all know that I am safe and well and cannot believe some of the things I've seen and experienced.

The South African people have welcomed us with open arms and are teaching us many things. These people have faith that can move mountains; they are prayer warriors, relying on God for their livlihood.

Momma, I'm dancing! (I got your message last night and it made me cry. I love you.)

I hope to share more stories and experiences when I have more time. Thankfully, I'm getting ready to go take a nice hot shower to wash all the dirt off.

much love to each of you. keep praying!

p.s. happy late birthday, Scottie man...I didn't forget your birthday; I sent many well wishes your way.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

in mere hours...

...I'll be on a plane to Africa. I can hardly believe it. It's been weird saying goodbye to everyone; it seems surreal that I'm leaving. I'll make this post brief since I still have some last minute packing to do.

Jump over to the crossroads blog to keep up to date on the happenings in Mamelodi as they are happening.

I'll post some stories and photos when I return!

much love and joy!!!
