Thursday, May 26, 2011

upside down and inside out

No one tells you when you're a child that being an adult isn't much fun. Well, maybe they do but you don't believe them because you know when you're an adult you get to make all the decisions the way you want.

Pizza for breakfast? Ok.
Date that jerk of a guy? Sure.
Stay up til 2am even though you have to work? Of course.
Quit your job? Absolutely.

It's not that easy when you're an adult, or at least not when you try to be a responsible, level-headed, and compassionate adult. Many mistakes have been made and while sometimes it hurts like hell, I'm hoping that by continuing to love and trust and hope for something more that I'm going to be stronger for having walked through the experience.

One thing to remember: listen to the advice of your best friend...she'll tell you when that guy is a jerk and when to stay away. And, she'll hug you and love you even if you don't listen for the fifteenth time.

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